We have exciting news – Free the Blobs is now free to play!
The decision to change the pricing approach to the game was taken in autumn, and at the start of December the transition was complete. Now users can download the game completely for free from both the Android play store and the Apple App store.
To compensate, the game now features adverts. Adverts appear when a new level is reached or a level is restarted, with the constraint that they are served at most once every 5 minutes. This was an attempt to balance the need for revenue without overly bombarding the player with adverts. We hope you find the balance about right.
Additionally, players can now choose to watch an advert to skip a level. This feature replaces the old approach where a player could only skip up to two levels. Now there is no limit to the number of levels that can be skipped!
We’ve made some other tweaks to the game as well, in particular the addition of more cut-scenes which we shall post about in the coming days. We hope you like the changes and keep on enjoying the game!
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